How tiny breaths teach us big things

A Note to Myself


I love sharing life with you through this site, but I haven’t been the best about keeping up with it.  My mind is always in “writer’s mode”, and I’m always thinking about stories to tell you or emotions I finally managed to organize into words.  Then I don’t write them down, and the next emotional milestone makes it appearance without so much as a word written.  So I thought I’d just give myself a little ‘reminder’ and you a little ‘teaser’ of things I still want to shar  e with my prayer warrior friends and Caring Bridge community.



THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping us in your prayers!  Struthers is thriving in his own little way at his own little pace.  He is 7-1/2 months old, and weighs about 12 pounds.  He still needs 1/4-liter of oxygen and has a feeding tube for ‘backup’ feeds and venting.  He works with a therapist each week, and we’re working on head control, core strength and motor skills, sensory processing (touch/feel, see, hear), eating (still suck, swallow, breathe) and generally making transitions a bit smoother.  In general, we are all getting out a bit more, now that RSV and flu seasons have passed.  Struthers LOVES being outside, and continually demonstrates his love for music.
On another note, this journey has brought us emotionally closer to several other families.  Please consider following and/or praying for our friends:

  •  Annie and her husband were in our Young Married’s Small Group about 5 years ago
  •  Whit’s Mom Mary is a sorority sister of mine whose faith is unbelievably inspiring.  It is never far from my mind that Struthers and Whit were born the same week.
  • or  Owen’s great aunt is a coworker and chaplain at the hospital I work in–she has prayed with us for years and through the miscarriages and health crises.  Owen’s mom Melissa has had her own health challenges, and our little guys charted almost the exact same little preemie course for the first 3 months of life.
  •  We haven’t known them very long, but the Udall’s were in our small group for a short time this fall.  And they’re always on my heart, because I’ve been where they are…their testimony is beautiful.
  • TWO friends with preemie triplets–I CANNOT IMAGINE!  These unnamed Mama’s are amazing…
  • A childhood friend who is in the last trimester of her second pregnancy–her first is a miraculous little 25-weeker.
  • My sisters!!!  I don’t even know what to say about them except that I AM SO PROUD OF BOTH OF THESE SUPER-MOMMIES who teach me something everyday!


1 Comment

  1. Cami Bremer

    Comments imported from CaringBridge (5 comments):

    Struthers is precious and I do love to read your up dates and continue to pray for you all. Struthers seems to doing great! I will pray for all your friends as well.
    —Susie Short, June 23, 2015

    Thanks Cami for the updates. I think Struthers is precious. Hugs, kisses and prayers going your way
    —Ann Alvis, June 22, 2015

    Thank you Cami for your updates, concerns, and obvious Faith. We will pray for your friends as you shared their stories too. This is all part of an amazing plan we are only beginning to understand. When Struthers is a grown up and moving forward with his own life and family we are sure he will be able to explain things to us in a most wonderful way. For Billie and me we are always learning from both our children and our grandchildren. God is Great and we send along all our Love and Blessings! Rick and Billie
    —Rick Broome, June 22, 2015

    Thanks soo much for the wonderful update. As always continuing to send prayers ur way. He looks soo happy!
    —Rosalyn Forsyth, June 22, 2015

    What great news! Thank you for the update. Hugs, love & prayers as always.
    —Marj Wise, June 22, 2015

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