Originally posted on Caring Bridge by Laurie Bossert
Praise God for the birth of Struthers! He was welcomed by his dad after being born by cesarean section at 2:03 pm. He weighed 1 lb 12.9 oz and was 13.4 inches long. He entered the world with a cry!! A sweet wonderful sound!! Cami was taken up to the Cardiac ICU so they could monitor her blood pressure. It would be a long 7 hours until she was able to see Struthers face to face. Eli, being the wonderful dad he is, did facetime with Cami so she could see Struthers through technology a little earlier!! Struthers was welcomed directly into the NICU which is where he will grow for the next 3 months – yes, expected release is his original due date, Feb 12. Eli’s parents were able to be at the hospital for the delivery and few hours after. Then Cami’s parents and sisters arrived to spend the weekend with Cami, Eli and Struthers.